PAWA Upcoming Digital Net Something New For January 21st, 2024



Subject – PAWA on the air – Digital Net

Topic – Trying something new 

With – KC1RKX – Matt, net control

Tonight – January 21st

Time – 7:00pm – Early check in’s 6:55pm

Hi Everyone

Stop by and join Matt, tonight on 

XLX097 along with Dmr – 3166532 – along with KC1RAY – L, EcoLink 
KC1RKX Allstar node 59688 0r 438.00mhz Fm

New – This just in

You can now join us on the Cumberland Repeater

146.440mhz – RX
144.940mhz – TX 
PL Tone – 241.8

Will also have other details and information and upcoming nets to follow

Thank you, talk to you soon
Mike – N1NTM

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