Hi everyone
Subject – Join Us On The Air
Watch for our PAWA team members and friends as we get on the air and work the bands
You never know who you may hear, or where they maybe calling from
You can find us on
The Parks on the air spot page along with Ham Alert, and we will keep you updated as we call CQ CQ
A Big Thank you to all of the activators and hunters, hope to get you in our logs
This is just one of the things that we do and we have more, events, activities to follow
You can find out what we are up to by going to our club page at ka1gg.org
Stop by and check in, you will be glad that you did
Talk to you soon, my friends
From all of us here at the PAWA
The team that does not just talk about ham radio, we are a team that does it
Sent By – Mike – N1NTM, PAWA Club Secretary

Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association, Club Communication