Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association
Field Day Photos, On The Air With Team PAWA And Having Fun, There’s more to follow

Father and son on the air, WQ1Q, Rocco / Rocco 3rd KC1SJS, Allen with / K1OFO, Joe and KB1SKF, Brian
On the air, With K1OFO, Joe Looking on, how awesome As they Were calling CQ CQ field day this is KA1GG
is that, team PAWA brings us together family and friends

Miss Breanna / Donna enjoying the day K1OFO, Joe, doing some programming with
W7AAF, Matt / While KC1NDQ, Fran was working FT8

KC1NDQ, Fran, taking a break, discussing a K1OFO, Joe, making some adjustments on the
Some DX contacts that he made with K1OFO, Joe Yaseu FT-450D, and setting up the computer