Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association
Hi Everyone
Activated Copicut WMA (US-11621)after the club 2m simplex event today. We set up the 31′ Jac kite pole and the Slim Jim antenna at the highest point we could access on Copicut Hill on the Fall River/ Westport line to see how many 2m contacts we could make. It did pretty good and we could hear most club members. Then we ventured over to the elusive Copicut WMA. It is very difficult to access without a real 4WD, but we found a way in from the Dartmouth/ Fall River side. We had tried previously to access this park, but could not get down the road. A Fall River police officer stopped by and interrupted our pile-up to see what we were up to. He was very nice though.
73, Joe KB1WCK and Wendy KC1TLT