Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association
PAWA New Awards Page / Parks On The Air / Operator To Operator

Operator To Operator
Parks On The Air Award – With PAWA Team Members
50 QSOs – With Activators / KC1TLT, Wendy / KB1WCK, Joe
Hi Everyone
Hope you new week is starting out well
I wanted to send out a Big Thank you to, Wendy and Joe, for the contacts as we tag team and enjoy
Ham radio / POTA an awesome adventure that brings us all together as team members and friends
And as we encourage one another to reach for our goals and achievements
As KC1NDQ, Fran would say these are just ones of many, but most of all it’s fun
Hope to hear you on the air my friends and get up in our log
Mike, N1NTM
Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association
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