Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association
We had a little POTA meet up, show and tell today at US-2875 Fort Wetherill State Park on Jamestown Island RI. Gathering were Jim Garmin KC1QDZ, Fran Kelly KC1NDQ, Joe Corn pop Bettencourt KD9RAW and Bill Reed KC1WTR. Joe visiting from WI looking to see some of his old stomping grounds and old and new friends who share a passion for POTA and ham radio. Bill traveled all the way from Ayer MA. Joe showed off his very impressive Xiegu 6100 QRP transceiver and Jim showed off his skill at working DX on 15m with his 891 and 15m Ham stick. A little multi operator activation put about 25 in the log in about 20 minutes. Nice lunch in downtown Jamestown. 73 and POTA on.