2 Meter Net A New On The Air Journey With Team PAWA
Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association

PAWA 2 Meter Net Update
For This Friday Night November 22nd / Time 7:00pm
Check In With Net Control – KC1TLT – Wendy
Location – 146.775mhz NA1R West Bridgewater Repeater
Hi Everyone
Stop by and join Wendy this Friday night for some on the air fun, it will be an awesome time
As She takes us on a Brand – New Journey, what a great way to end the week and head into the weekend
You never know what she may have in store, but we do know it will be fun
A Big Thank you to Wendy for taking the net, we appreciate it
Talk to you soon, my friends
Mike, N1NTM
Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association