Hi Everyone
This Location for these photos Outside Rome, Georgia
I have been taking with Bob via text along with using the KC1VAX / XLX097 reflector
Yesterday myself and KC1NDQ, Fran / W1FIC, Frank / WQ1Q, Rocco were able to make a contact with him
While he was activating – US-3729 (Rocky Mountain State Recreation Area
Bob had mentioned that he was there with KN4OK and it was 28 degrees
Also, I talked with him this morning and They were headed to a few summits today in northern Georgia
And it was snowing there
We now have several ways to stay in communications with Bob first
The XLX097 Reflector
Watch for him on the Parks on the air spot page / Summits on the air spot page
He will be working SSB from time to time hoping to make a contact with us as well
I will keep you updated as he sends me more details
Thank have a great day my friends, tal to you soon
Mike – N1NTM