PAWA New Bulletin Board, Looking Back

Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association 

Subject – PAWA New Bulletin Board 

Topic – Looking back, with team PAWA, club POTA Activation

Hosted by, KC1NDQ – Fran 

Location Was – Gilbert Hills State Forest, High Rock Area, Foxborough, Mass  

Hi Everyone 

Something new We are trying a new Bulletin Board, with a few photos to get us started

In the first Photo, I had found a nice spot to park in the shade, and if you look close enough
Donna was in the passenger seat, making sure I was behaving, lol

Next photo on the top right – KC1MMD – Al, was discussing his plan for get getting on the air for the day
With, KC1BEK – Gil / N1DGK – Dan 

Third photo, KC1NDQ – Fran was on location and ready to set up to work the bands

The fourth photo, I wanted to save for last, this was one of my first POTA Activations and my mentor
Who has become one of my best friends, KC1LFF – Mike, he is brave lol, I will never forget with his finger
Pointed his words to me were, not today Michael the bands are not that great

But that did not stop us, did we have a good time with team PAWA, it was awesome 
I will have more of these bulletin boards to follow, from different locations that we have been
A Big Thank you, to all of you team PAWA

Because, I have to say it, lol 
Here at the PAWA, we don’t just talk about ham radio, we do it, and that makes us who we are

Talk to you soon, my friends
Mike – N1NTM
Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association



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