Imaging from home with See star, New Update

Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association 

New Imaging

Thank you Jeff, These Are Awesome 

Sent By – Mike – N1NTM

From PAWA Team Member – WX1USN – Jeff

With His Details And Photos below 

   On Sat, Apr 13, 2024 
it cleared up but was windy, put the See star out on my shelf and imaged for a couple hours I had my cardboard shield up but that doesn’t cover the entire scope of course.
I did M95, M104, M100 NGC 2903 and the moon.  All are 10 second subs total time of subs is on the image, for each 30 minutes it takes at least 45-50 minutes of imaging to get good subs especially with the wind.  I will try to do more of them all but especially M104 and NGC2903 I really like both galaxies



Along With The Moon
Jeff Padell WX1USN

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