Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association 6-11-24
Subject – PAWA Friday Night 2 Meter Net
N1NTM, Mike – Net Control
Starting On 147.135mhz KA1GG Club Repeater
Then Going QSY To
146.775mhz, NA1R West Bridgewater Repeater
June 14th @ 7:00pm
Something new Join me for this week’s net
I will be on the air with
My Jeep / Backpack / 2 H/TS / along with a
Mag mount antenna / From a park, and a picnic table
(Depending on the weather, lol
Let’s make it a bit more interesting, if anyone would
Like to check in with there h/t like we have done
For other events,, give it a try, we can have
Some fun with this
Note – If your not about to check in using your h/t
No worries, check in from your mobile or from
Your ham shack, – you never know what we may
Have in store, everyone is welcome
Taking it to the next adventure, with team PAWA
And friends , this will get us started as we prepare
For an awesome weekend
Saturday June 15th, starting at 8:00am we will be
At Borderland State Park for a club tag team
Activation, hosted By KC1NDQ – Fran
Stay tuned my friends, we have more details
And updates to follow, and a lot of fun
Thank you, talk to you soon
Mike – N1NTM
Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association