Getting Together With Team PAWA June 15th Having An awesome Time

PAWA Tag Team Parks On The Activation Saturday June 15th, Photos Page #1, With Details To Follow
The Day Included – A Cookout Along With 3 Presentations, Hang On My Friends Here We Go

Location – US-2420 Borderland State Park, Easton Mass

A Big Thank you to Fran Along with Team PAWA and the staff at Borderland


Hats off to our chef awesome job, the hamburgers and hotdogs made the contact lol


Let the unboxing begin, the waiting is now over Matt, Thank you for sharing the new KH1 Elecraft with us


Pictured above Starting in the back – KC1MMD, Al / KC1SJS, Allen / In the middle WI1G, John / By the Truck N1SC, Ken
With KB1WCK, Joe


In this photo, Starting on the left – W7AAF, Matt / N1SC, Ken / KB1WCK, Joe / KC1MMD, Al / WI1G, John / WC1N, Bob
KC1TLT, Wendy, Check out this app, it has park listings as well 

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