PAWA In The Spotlight Tag Team POTA Activation For Today January 14th, 2024

Parks On The Air Activation, Today With Team Members

KC1TLT – Wendy and KB1WCK – Joe 

From K-0891 – Taunton Scenic River 

Update For – January 14th

Here are their details 

Hi Everyone 

We got in our activation at K-0891 Taunton River, before it started to snow!
Got club members, Allen / KC1SJS, Frank / W1FIC, and a P2P with Jim / KC1QDZ all the way in
CA!!! That was pretty cool! It went from sunny to snowy in the hour we were there!

Quite snowy on the way home and even some lightening when we pulled in the driveway!
73, Wendy KC1TLT and Joe KB1WCK  




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