Upcoming Nets For Tonight, Trying Something New With Team PAWA

Subject – Nets Coming Up – For Tonight Trying Something New 

Topic – On The Air With Team PAWA, Working The Bands

January 28, 2024

Time – 7:00pm

Sunday Night 10 Meter Net, on 28.375.00Mhz – USB
N1NTM – Mike – Net control
7:00pm – with early bird check in’s 6:45pm

New Digital Net – With KC1RKX – Matt – Net Control 
7:00pm – Early check in’s 6:55pm

Hi Everyone 

Lets try something new for tonight’s net let work 10 meters until 7:30pm
Then QSY over to join KC1RKX – Matt on his digital net, here are the details

You can get there through 

XLX097 Reflector using DMR – 3166532 
Along with KC1RAY – L Echo Link / using your Tablet / Computer / Phone 

KC1RKX AllStar Node 59688 or 438.800mhz FM

Newly added – Using the Cumberland Repeater

146.440mhz – RX
144.940mhz – TX
PL Tone – 241.8

Lets have some fun on the air trying something new as we work the bands
And join Matt as we go forward taking it to the next level, with Team PAWA

Check out or PAWA New website at – ka1gg.org 
You will be glad did 

Thank you, talk to you soon
Mike – N1NTM


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