Out And About with Club Member KC1QDZ – Jim

POTA Activation With PAWA Team Member KC1QDZ – Jim

January 31st, 2024

Hi Everyone
Chilly and windy at K-2874, Fort Adams, RI today. I only brought my 10m quarter-wave whip, and that was all I needed for a half-hour of fun.

I had never tried 10m for an Early Shift activation (before 9 a.m. local time). I didn’t think the band would have woken up yet, so I was pleasantly surprised. Fourteen DX entities in 35 minutes, including Wales and Serbia. Oh, and always a pleasure to get Melvin Markowitz K2JWD in the log all the way from Framingham, MA! Thanks to all the hunters, it was super fun wrestling with some of the DX calls! 73 from Jim KC1QDZ

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