Parks On The Air, Activation First Hints Of Spring In Rhode Island For February 7th

Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association 

POTA Activation, From K-2875

With team Member – KC1QDZ – Jim 

Hi Everyone

First faint hints of Spring in RI – birds heard at 5.30 a.m., and it was a balmy 42 degrees. K-2875 (Fort Wetherhill SP) is one of our most beautiful references, and when I got set up, I wondered why it had taken me so long to come back here. A really stunning coastline with views toward Newport, South County, and the open ocean.

Early-ish morning conditions on 15m and 10m have been really good here. I was happy to get a lot of European DX, including lucky 13th P2P with Steffen Mania DO3OI and a new P2P from Leo DL2COM, who was running just 5W from Berlin. SP9RXP caught me for P2Ps on both bands, and K.c. Ross KG9JP Joe KD9RAW and Doug Wickman W4ILJ all stopped by, which was awesome.

Went through Jamestown and had a cup of coffee and an eclair while looking at the bridge before heading home. A great hour playing radio is definitely better than a great hour at work. Thanks


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