Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association
Activation, from March 22nd
Well, that was fun! A grayline activation of US-7722, Scarborough North State Beach in RI. The beach parking lot won’t look like this in nine weeks! Operated on 10 and 15 meters and worked 24 entities in an hour and a half. Highlights included two contacts with AK, a P2P with Andreas KL5PF and a call from Mike AL7KC; two QSOs with Lithuanian operators; and a nice (but brief) opening into South America.
Trusty FT-891 at 80W and ham sticks from a Tri Mag mount on the roof of the van. Never doubt the ham stick! Thanks to all the hunters, 73 and POTA ON from Jim KC1QDZ
Trusty FT-891 at 80W and ham sticks from a Tri Mag mount on the roof of the van. Never doubt the ham stick! Thanks to all the hunters, 73 and POTA ON from Jim KC1QDZ