Parks On The Air Activation From US-4698 Freetown State Forest With Team Member KC1TLT, Wendy April 21st


Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association

Thank goodness for PAWA members!! 10 meters was really tough today. If it wasn’t for the PAWA Team, I wouldn’t have been able to get my activation in! Joe was able to get his activation in on 20m and  it was slow, but he was able to get the contacts. On 10m though I had literally zippo until the club members called. Special thanks to Fran KC1NDQ for suggesting 2m simplex. With him and Mike N1NTM and Frank W1FIC on both 10m and 2m, I made it to 10!! Check out the log, PAWA all the way. I think this is a first. Do I get a special award? HI HI. Definitely going for my General in the next round.
Wendy- KC1TLT
May be an image of ‎text that says '‎2-100Plus Aututuner 28,400,000 Park 15-4698 Date Frequency 146,505 29.383 Com Sent Rec State 59 59 MA 59 59 MIt 55 59 MA 59 59 MA 55 51 R7 59 55 И 55 55 M 59 MH 59 59 MA 59 59 mnt Time 1947 1955 1957 1959 19:59 20:060 20:08 12 13 20:20 Call Sign KBINCK VANTM WIAAF WIFIC KCs QDZ KCANDO KCINNR KCNDA ИИ 146.520 520 NINTM n 146 005י M 146 5a0 WIFIC‎'‎

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