PAWA Event New Update

Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association 


Subject – PAWA New Update 

Topic – H/t Antenna Shoot Out

146.775mhz NA1R West Bridgewater Repeater

Other Frequency that will be used – 147.480mhz – Simplex, this Will be Interesting

N1NTM – Mike – Net Control

Location – Your Choice

Gear Needed – Your Favorite h/t, along with / Antenna Of Your Choice

When, This Upcoming Saturday 

Date – May 4th / Time 1:00pm

Everyone is welcome to join us, getting on the air with our h/t’s is always a lot of fun and from your 
Favorite location, whether it be from / Your back yard / A park / A trail / A parking lot, the sky is the limit

To start out check in with net control, and let the adventure begin.
For this event we will even try working some simplex, so one of the simplest ways to get on the air and have
Some fun is with your h/t, lets give it a try team PAWA style 

Stay turned We have much more to follow 

Hope to hear you in there
Talk to you soon, My friends

Mike – N1NTM
Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association

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