First Late Shift POTA Activation, By PAWA Team Members KC1TLT / KB1WCK


Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association

Hi Everyone
Did our first late night activation tonight at Massasoit (US-2446) to test out our new 40 meter coil on the 17′ vertical. It took over 2 weeks to get here from Wolf River Coils, thanks to the USPS, but glad to have it for the weekend. We started looking for an open frquency and who did we hear? Mike- N1NTM and Frank- W1FIC of course over at US-0891! Joe- KC1NNR was also able to get us, so a pretty fun night! Band was pretty quiet and we had a nice little late shift pile up for a bit. Lots of fun!
73, KC1TLT, / KB1WCK

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