POTA Meet Up With PAWA Club President, KC1NDQ, Fran May 27th

Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association

Out and about 

With PAWA Club President, KC1NDQ, Fran
Represented the PAWA at a POTA meet up this morning sponsored by John/KN4SWS and wife Diane/KO4FHS at Wells State Park US-2462 in Sturbridge, MA. They are on a multi-state rove activating all the New England states before hitting Delaware and Maryland before heading home to Florida. Great to  meet such great POTA ambassadors.
Pictured John/KN4SWS, Tom/KC1GGP, Dimitri/NE1D, Fran/KC1NDQ and Diane/KO4FHS taking the photos. Safe travels! 73 and POTA on.

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