PAWA Monday Night 2 Meter Net, Trivia Question Photo Pick For This week June 10th


Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association 

PAWA Monday Night 2 Meter Net

146.775Mhz NA1R West Bridgewater Repeater

KB1FZB, Joel – Net Control

Along With Team PAWA And Friends 

Date – June 10th / Time – 7:00pm

Hi Everyone 

Check in with Joel for a brand new topic and discussion along with new updates and details
And you just never know we may have a few more surprises in store 

Then up next, this will be awesome 

New Club Member Trivia Photo Pick For This Weeks Question

Mystery Challenge –  This club member was camped out at one of our events, last year 2023

Who is that / What mode was he working – For 20 points 

Bonus question, for 10 points – What event was this, where was it being held 

With only one rule – And that is, just have fun, Team PAWA Style 

73, talk to you soon

N1NTM, Mike / KB1FZB, Joel



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