Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association / Team PAWA Photos
Field Day 2024, Swansea Fire Station #4
A New Adventure Going Forward
Setting Up The Hex Beam
Hi Everyone
This was the start of the weekend and an awesome one it was, working with team PAWA and friends
Always learning something new from our mentors who are showing us the way so we can teach others
To enjoy our club members friends, as we get together to get on the air work the bands, but most all just have fun
Descriptions are under each photo / Hold on my friends here we go and there’s more to follow

KC1JMZ, Ted / Putting the tripod in place WC1N, Bob / K1KOS, Sheldon, ready to lend a hand

K1OFO, Joe / WC1N, Bob / KC1JMZ K1OFO, Joe / KC1NDQ, Fran / KC1JMZ, Ted starting
Putting the pipe in place and ready for the hex beam The hex beam build, hoping to beat the rain

K1OFO, Joe / KC1JMZ, Ted / KC1NDQ, Fran N1DGK, Dan / K1KOS, Sheldon, ready for the
Starting to assemble the elements Step as the hex beam starts to take shape

K1KOS, Sheldon / N1DGK, Dan looking on Donna / N1DGK, Dan watching for the hex beams
Things come together To the lift to be put into place and on the air