US-2420 Borderland State Park, Photos – Page (3)

Details for the photos above – Starting Left to right
1 / KC1TLT, Wendy tag teaming with KC1TLO as Deb worked her first POTA activation, mission accomplished
How awesome is that, as KC1NDQ, Fran would say – This is one of many
2 / Team member, WA1TOM, Tom was on the air working a nice pile up with his Pota gear set up on the tail gate
of his truck, I was in the right place at the right time, awesome job Tom
3 / WC1N, Bob, was working on getting his long wire in place, with W7AAF, Matt looking on
4 / WC1N, Bob with WI1G, John, comparing notes on the KH1
5 / KC1NDQ, Fran, was making an adjustment to his MFJ – 1979, getting ready to change frequency to 10 meters
To make some contacts, and I know for sure that he did
6 / N1NTM, Mike, had his Ringo 2-meter antenna on the air for a test run, and working some simplex contacts along
With his 16ft painters’ pole and tripod in place and yaseu FT – 2900 an awesome combination and from this set up
Some new ideas were created
Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association