Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association
Hi Everyone
I did a lot of hunting SOTA and POTA over the long weekend and the bands played nice today and I got lots of contacts. Checking the SOTA stats and I’m stuck at 11th on the W1 area chasers with 1245 contacts at 949 summits for 5684 points. Looking a little further, I found this gem for most 10m chaser contacts. First place by a wide margin…how about that! 73 and SOTA and POTA on! de KC1NDQ
![May be an image of text](https://scontent-bos5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/458108507_10234879238549009_4713197953521022023_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s960x960&_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=aa7b47&_nc_ohc=niRltjAWIt8Q7kNvgEDUMMl&_nc_ht=scontent-bos5-1.xx&_nc_gid=AVgsjuAPO_GYZ_0lq0dV-zr&oh=00_AYD2WXGIbY8lmC5q_iAnMAsOifvNCaUG1Kowj7gksPuvrA&oe=66DC5347)