Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association

Subject – 2 Meter Simplex
Topic – On The Air With Team PAWA And Friends
Net Control – N1NTM, Mike
Date – October 26th
Time – Starting @ 1:30pm
Everyone Is Welcome To Join Us
From A Spooky Location Of Your Choice
Optional For Fun – Send Me A Photo Of Your Location With A Halloween Background / Decoration
Something That Makes It Spooky, I Will Share That with Everyone In A Report
Antenna – Home Brewed / Tape Measure Yagi / Sqalo / Shack / Mobile / Or Something That You Bought
Radio Gear – Base Station / Mobile / H/T / Your Choices
Additional things needed – Pencil / Pen / Paper, for logging
Note – We Do Not Want To Leave Anyone Out, All Is Welcome To Use What You Have From Where Ever You Can
Our Goal – To take simplex to a new level, trying different things as we go, you will be surprised what you can do
The one rule that we have – And that is lets have fun
Frequencies, for simplex – / 146.535mhz / 147.480mhz
Repeater for this event – 146.775mhz NA1R West Bridgewater
Hi Everyone
Hope you and you’re doing well, so for this simplex adventure I will list below what I thinking we can try
1 / To start lets all meet on 146.775mhz I will take check ins
2 / Then I will put together two teams / Along with a net controller for each team
3 / Once we have that in place, team 1 and their net controller will then qsy to – 146.535mhz
4 / Team 2 and their net controller will qsy to 147.480mhz
5 / Once there, log all contacts that you are able to make / Switch Frequencies if you would like to
6 / When finished return back to 146.775mhz – Try to monitor this frequency while your on simplex if possible
7 / Once everyone returns back, I will take a roll call, then we can have a discussion on our results
8 / I will first reach out to the two net controlers and ask them for their reports
9 / Then I will go through our list and ask everyone for their report, and thoughts
10 / Then one more thing for fun – Seeing Halloween is right around the corner lets use this discussion for
some of the scary things that may keep us up at night / Here are some examples below
Radio Frequency Interference / Common Mode Interference / Lightning Strikes / Worn and inefficient coaxal cable
Cut fingers for an installation / Pile – ups / Gear ruined by water damage / Poor performing vertical antennas
Thats spooky stuff for sure / Our goal just have fun
W1FIC, Frank and myself will be set up in a spooky park and there are some around lol / Our gear will be
Yaseu FT – 991a / I will bring my Yaseu FT – 2900 for a stand by along with our h/ts
If you would like to try something durning this event that you have in mind, no worries, my friends
This will be awesome as we all work together as a team and encourage one another and enjoy our hobby
We can also make changes if needed as we go, no worries
Ham Radio, it offers something for all of us and takes us to some interesting and fun places
With club members and friends, PAWA A place where everyone is welcome
Thank you, talk to you soon, my friends, team PAWA
Mike – N1NTM
Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association