Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association
PAWA / New Parks On The Air Award Page
Subject: Rover Warthog Certificate For
PAWA Team member W1GRD
From Our PAWA Club Officers And Members
Congratulations, Perry This is an awesome goal and achievement, POTA is a lot of fun, and always a new adventure
We will be looking for you along the way
Thank you for sharing this my friend and for being here with us at team PAWA
73, POTA On, Mike – N1NTM
Included below is Perry’s details
Hi Everyone
I completed a Rover yesterday; thought I’d add it to the list of impressive PAWA POTA accomplishments. On Thursday I summited US-5635 Mt. Greylock, and then on Friday I did five:
US-2458 JA Skinner SP
US-2449 Mount Holyoke Range SP
US-8391 Quabbin SP
US-11503 Coy Hill WMA
US-11565 Richardson WMA
All of these were hiked in, Greylock was 7 hours on the trail (Jones Nose and Appalachian Trail) with my 13-pound backpack. What an incredible few days of New England weather, 80ºF on both days and clear skies for those mountain views. I’ll be posting a review of each site with photos on POTA News & Review (https://pota.review) over the next several days.
I also want to thank Ken NS1C who was chasing me all day Friday and nearly got a sweep!
Take care,
Perry W1GRD

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