Photos By Team Member WX1USN, Jeff – images from old film cameras

From: PAWA Team Member, Jeffrey Padell <>
Date: Fri, May 3, 2024 
Subject: images from old film cameras

Hi Everyone 
Just had my right knee replaced and am stuck in the house while I rehab and also until I am allowed to drive in a couple months.
Decided to run 2 of the shots from each US Navy camera (Kodak Retina Reflex IV and Topcon Super DM) through lightroom and Topaz AI Denoise real quick.

I am very pleased with the results from these cameras from the 1960’s! I used Kodak Gold 200 and Kodak Ektar 100, until I get the negs back I won’t know which was which. Anyhow wider views were shot with the Kodak Retina Reflex IV with 50mm lens and the closeups with the Topcon with 135mm f/4. I was very pleased to see them working so well.

BUT film is expensive and the processing worse. I will not be setting up another darkroom but when I shoot film I will be sending it to “Old School Photo Lab” in Dover NH.


Jeff Padell WX1USN

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