Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association
A Night Of Surprises
Hi Everyone
it was such a great night I had decided to host our PAWA 2 meter club net from US-0891 Tricentennial Park
So what else to do after the net, seeing I was already in the park, why not a POTA activation, so I called W1FIC, Frank
To let him know and his answer was I will be right there, lol
We have been working late shift activations from the parks, but Frank has never work one from a park picnic table at night
So why not introduce him to a new adventure, so we started out on 40 meters.
The bands were not the best, but we were able to get it done, so as we were making contacts and called QRZ, we then heard
Team members, KB1WCK, Joe / KC1TLT, Wendy for a P2P from US-2446 Massasoit State Park
How awesome is this their first late shift activation, welcome and hold on these are a lot of fun, I bet you can’t work just one lol
We were also able to make a contact with club member KC1NNR, Joe
A Big Thank you to team PAWA for all of your support along with a the activators and hunters that helped us make this activation
A success and most of all we have fun working the bands with team members and friends
We would also like to send out a Big Thank you to all the POTA team of volunteers who work behind the scenes to keep things going
Talk to you soon, my friends, have a great weekend
Mike, N1NTM
Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association