Working 20 Meters From K-2446 And Having Fun

On The Air From – K-2446 – January 17

Hi Everyone 

I had an awesome time working the bands this morning from Massasoit State Park, although it was only 25 degrees out 
That was not a problem, I set up in the Jeep and using my FT-891 along with my MFJ – 1979 antenna, working 20m

The bands were not bad I ended up with 51 contacts in the log and that included two DX stations that was a big surprise
And they were – ON4ON – Danny from Belgium and OZ4MV – Thomas from Denmark, what a way to start the day 
Other contacts were with AB8LL – Ed, MI / K9ICP – Bruce, IN

I also work a lot of stations from Canada / New York / WI / PA, and many others 
I was able to work some team PAWA members and they were KB1WCK – Joe / KC1SJS – Allen / W1FIC – Frank 
And my mentor – WC1N – Bob, working club members is awesome knowing that their there supporting us as we go and that
is anywhere we go home or away, we work together As club members, friends.

A Big Thank you to all the activators and hunters, who make it possible for us to have fun and keep us busy 
We cant do this with you

Talk to you soon, my friends 
73, POTA On
Mike – N1NTM 


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