Parks On The Air Activation From US-4698 Freetown State Forest

Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association

Hi Everyone
Had fun activation tonight at Freetown State Forest (US-4698). Had a little pile-up going on and got a few club members: Mike- N1NTM, Frank- W1FIC, Jean- F4ILH, Fran- N1NDQ and Matt W7AAF. Got a little DX as well! Thanks to all!! We could have kept going, but the QRM was getting tough.
Joe- KB1WCK and Wendy- KC1TLT
May be a graphic of map and text that says 'Canada Hudson Bay AB BC MB SK Labrador Sea WA ON NL Norway MT ac ND Finiand SD NB ME United Kingdom Ireland Denmark NE NE Um ed edStates MO Poland Germany Belarus NM MS Austria aƱce Ukrair LA Romania Italy North Atlantic Ocean Mexico Gulf of Mexico Spain Portugal Gree Cuba Morocco Tunisia Puerto Rico Guatemala Caribbean Sea Nicaragua Western Algeria Libya Egypt Mauritania Mali Colombia Venezuela Guyana Suriname RR AP: Niger Ecuador Burkina, Faso Guinea Chad Sudar Nigeria Ghana Gui of Guinea Gabon'

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