PAWA Monday Night 2 Meter New Trivia Photo Pick For June 3rd

Pilgrim amateur Wireless Association 

With Team PAWA And Friends, Check In And Join The Fun, Everyone Is welcome 

Subject – Animal Camouflage Bonus Picture / Worth 20 points 

Trivia – For Our Monday Night 2 Meter Net / June 3rd / 7:00pm
146.775mhz NA1R West Bridgewater Repeater

KB1FZB – Joel, Net Control 

Challenge for tonight’s net, take a look at the picture and see if you can find the animal in hiding
And blending in with the environment / Then name this animal  
Warning your eyes may play tricks on you / You’ll see, lol

Thank you, my friends, team PAWA
Mike – N1NTM, PAWA Net Coordinator 


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