Fw: PAWA Parks On The Air Activation From Team Member KC1QDZ – Jim From San Diego For January 11th, 2024


Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association

Parks on the air activation from team member

KC1QDZ – Jim, with his details and photos below 

Sent by Mike – N1NTM, Thank you Jim for sharing

Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association 1-11-24

Hi Everyone

Today’s POTA lesson was that it a totally accessible park has only 455 QSOs there’s probably a good reason.

I activated K-3526, old Town San Diego I think those in charge of the park put a lot of utilities underground, because I struggled with a S7 noise floor. My rental car is completely plastic, so that didn’t help! I still managed to get 63 in the log, but it was definitely work. I had good luck on 20m with the Chameleon whip extended full length

Highlight reel: PAWA Club President Fran Kelly;
Brian Duddy N2BTD: and Scott D. Majors K3SDM
All caught me, as did Les KI5GTR. Hector CE3FZL
Worked me on 10, and I got two Japanese hunters
On 15. Thanks to everyone who tried, I just couldn’t
Dig a couple of you out through the noise

This is a pretty interesting historical park – I’m a sucker
For historical re-enactment, so it was right up my alley
Did remind me just a little bit of South Park episode
“Super Fun Time”, which takes place at a Pioneer
Village. Huevos rancheros for breakfast, Seventy degrees and sunny, people smile and wave for no apparent reason. Yerba Mate instead of coffee.
The hotel has the best ” Do not Disturb” sign. I
Believe I could get used to this.

Off to another one tomorrow. 73 from KC1QDZImage








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