Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association
Subject – PAWA Tag Team, POTA Club Activation
Support Your Parks Weekend
Location – US-2420, Borderland State Park, Easton Mass
Hosted By – KC1NDQ – Fran
Sending out a Big Thank you to all the staff at Borderland, for allowing us to hold our club activation, here a great location
Even though it rained we had an awesome time with, team PAWA, the bands were not the best, but no worries
We got on the air and got the job done.
We worked 20 / 40 / 15 / 10 meters SSB, some of our members worked FT-8 / CW
We have the technology and the tools in our backpacks, lol
We were able to get some club members in out logs, a Big Thank you to
WA1TOM, Tom / WX1USN, Jeff / KC1SJS, Allen / WC1N, Bob I can’t leave him out or I will be in trouble lol
Along with some of our regulars, we appreciate it, they stay with us when the bands are tuff and help us along the way.
Below is a photo of our tag team for the day, Thank you to everyone for being with us, we are looking forward to the
Next one and we have more to follow
Club Members
KC1QDZ, Jim / Our Host, KC1NDQ, Fran / K1KOS, Sheldon, / KB1WCK, Joe / KC1TLT, Wendy
And my tag team partner, who was not in the photo W1FIC, Frank
Nothing held us back and it shows us that no matter what the conditions maybe, we can get on the air, and got up and running
In no time with success.
Thank you, my friends, talk to you soon
Mike – N1NTM
Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association